Welcome to our house
So, here we are, work has begun on transforming this house from quite the run down, dated, hodgepodge of pieces into what we hope will be a fantastic family home for many years, and yet I haven’t properly introduced the house have I? How rude. Allow me to remedy that at once…
We lived for a couple of years in a house that most everyone thought was darn pretty, very English, very nicely renovated, had a huge block, great garden, and was just all round amazing.
But we had a few issues:
1. It was on a main road, and it was quite, quite noisy
2. We got broken into, had quite a bit of stuff taken, and never felt quite ‘at home’ again after that
3. Someone else had renovated it, not us. So it almost felt like living in someone else’s house as we couldn’t add our ‘touch’ because everything was already very nice and new and beautiful.
So, we decided to sell up and find somewhere else. And we did what we did last time, and should have learnt the first time… We sold before buying… don’t sell first. I’m sure there are markets where it makes sense, or situations where it’s best, but for us, the first time, we ended up having a 15 day settlement to get the house you see in the photo, and this time… this time we ran out of time.
So we had to rent, which of course means moving from one house to another house with the knowledge you’re going to do it again once you find the home to buy. That, and the market seemed to be defying all logic and continuing to rise and rise and rise…
To cut a long story short, after renting for 6 months, we found a place that needed a lot of work, and which the owners were asking far too much for. We put in an offer much lower than they were asking, and after it got passed in at auction we put in an even lower offer… and we got it.
And now we have a house with a LOT of work to do, it has arches and… actually, it’d be quicker if I just took you through, come on in. (By the way, most of the photos of rooms here are auto stiched collections of photos I took in order to be able to see the whole room as I don’t have a wide angle lens. As such there are weird effects like walls being chopped off half way here and there and such… don’t be alarmed, the house doesn’t really have phantom carpentry)
Turn right at the end of the hall and it’s the Master bedroom
So, there we have it, bar the outside areas which we’ll show in a later post… our house, our project for years to come, and our very, very busy time for the next 4 weeks while we get in new floorboards throughout all the living/bedroom areas of upstairs, do a lot of plaster/wall/door type work and paint the entire place… all before we move in. This is fun!