Veggie Patch!
So, yeah we still haven’t done much more inside the house (there are some more skirting boards, honest), but we have been getting our garden into quite a nice state 😀
One of the major things we really wanted to get in place was our veggie patch, and so…
Firstly, here’s how it was at the point of the last post we did, and this is after we had cleared out a lot of ‘growth’. Also, you can see my path laid out, but not actually laid as yet. It used to be a dirt path with quartz rocks filling it in and round pavers every so often… ’twas hideous. I scrounged around the garden for bricks and pavers to see if I could find enough to make it, and had at this point proven I could.
And so now it is:
Look, a veggie patch, with redgum sleeper sides, an irrigation system (brought over from our last house), and an actually laid path 😀 Bel says it’s irregular and lumpy… I call it ‘rustic’. Oh, and you can see our grass is growing nicely also. 😀
And the view from the house.
So. The inside of the house is coming along veeerrrryy slowly, but the outside is getting quite, quite nice. Still more to do, and who knows whether the veggies will survive the chickens, but it’s all nice to see it in place 😀