Stumble at the first hurdle

So, the day of settlement is over, it’s real now, as we have the house, we’ve been in it, it is ours.

And the feeling of the potential this house has is stronger than ever, so I’m absolutely thrilled and excited by what it’s going to be. As it is, it has a lot of work, a lot… but that only makes it all the more rewarding in the end (I hope).

We took in the 130 linear meters of new skirting board we bought from the Trading Post, we set up a temporary entertainment area for the kids (tv/dvd player and toys) to try to occupy them during the times they have to be there while we are, and brought in the basics to be able to make something to eat/drink while we’re there.

And we waited for our 145sq/m of Tasmanian Oak floorboards to arrive.

And waited.

They were due between 3pm-4pm… it was 5pm, the woodyard wasn’t answering calls… I called my friend Ben to say his brawny assistance getting the boards into the house would not be required as it seemed they would not be turning up. We had dinner, pulled up some lino, pulled a mantelpiece off… but still no floorboards.

Floorboards at wrong house

Those are floorboards, this is the wrong house

We took the kids home to the rental and lo and behold… there were two large wrapped packages in the driveway which looked suspiciously like floorboards. But nooo, they couldn’t be.

Yup. They were. Not a lot of use at a rental, but there you go. Belinda called the woodyard and got through, and they wouldn’t admit any fault, so we were stuck with the wood where it was. Some more ringing around and Belinda found another driver who can move them tomorrow. We’re out $200, but at least there’s no rain forecast for tonight.

Settlement tomorrow!

Our new house

Look, rooms and doors and such!

It’s here… after deciding to sell up last year, and then not finding anywhere to buy, so then renting for 6 months, we’ve finally found our new home.

Except it needs some work. Quite a bit actually. Some of it has to be done before we move in, in 4 weeks. We will be chronicling the entire process, the first 4 hectic weeks, and the many additional projects that will continue to be done as time goes on.

We hope you enjoy it, and maybe even find it useful.